Results for 'Kurt Anders Richardson'

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  1.  57
    The naturalness of creation and redemptive interests in theology, science, and technology.Kurt Anders Richardson - 1995 - Zygon 30 (2):281-291.
    This paper advances ways in which the understandings of “nature” and “creation” can be seen to overlap through specialized relations between humans and their environment. The hope of redemption of nature, united with evidences of grace in the advancements of science, can become helpful guides toward a theological interpretation of technology and the emerging character of human relations with nature.
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  2. Managing complex organizations: Complexity thinking and the science and art of management.Kurt Richardson - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (2):13-26.
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  3. Systems theory and complexity: Part 3.Kurt A. Richardson - 2005 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 7 (2).
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  4. What is complexity science? A view from different directions.Kurt Richardson & Paul Cilliers - 2001 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 3 (1):5-23.
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    Robustness in complex information systems: The role of information “barriers” in Boolean networks.Kurt A. Richardson - 2010 - Complexity 15 (3):NA-NA.
  6.  25
    On the relativity of recognising the products of emergence and the nature of the hierarchy of physical matter.Kurt A. Richardson - 2007 - In Carlos Gershenson, Diederik Aerts & Bruce Edmonds (eds.), Worldviews, Science and Us: Philosophy and Complexity. World Scientific. pp. 117.
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    Complexity, information and robustness: The role of information 'barriers' in Boolean networks.Kurt A. Richardson - 2010 - Complexity 15 (3):26-42.
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    Confronting complexity.Andrew Tait & Kurt A. Richardson - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (2):27-40.
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    Complexity and Management: A Pluralistic View.Kurt A. Richardson - 2011 - In Peter Allen, Steve Maguire & Bill McKelvey (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Complexity and Management. Sage Publications. pp. 366.
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    Kontingenz oder das Andere der Vernunft: zum Verhältnis von Philosophie, Naturwissenschaft und Religion.Kurt Wuchterl - 2011 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    English description: We live in a time where the old mechanisms of order have lost their grip on society, leading to numerous infractions and confrontations. In this religious-philosophical study, Kurt Wuchterl develops an epistemic perception of contingency that re-interprets the tense relationship between natural sciences and religion. Contingency always includes the "option of being different," which exacerbates pivotal problems such as chance, chaos, and unavailability. If we as individuals are not able to cope with these contingencies, we encounter the (...)
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    Alan Richardson and John Bowden (eds). A new Dictionary of Christian Theology. Pp. 614. (SCM Press, 1973.) £19.50. [REVIEW]Anders Jeffner - 1984 - Religious Studies 20 (4):685-686.
  12.  37
    Karin Stoverock: Musik in der Hitlerjugend. Organisation, Entwicklung, Kontexte. Bd. 1 u. 2, Uelvesbüll: Der Andere Verlag 2013, 832 +12+10 S. [REVIEW]Kurt Schilde - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 67 (3-4):315-318.
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    De Mensch in de Massa.Kurt Baschwitz - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):416 - 425.
    De kennis van de "werkelijkheid", die zich achter den dichten nevel van veelzinnige woorden verbergt, is op het gebied der massa-psychologie wel heel moeilijk toegankelijk. Dit blijkt duidelijk uit de heerschende theorieën, inzonderheid de pessimistische theorieën van de laatste halve eeuw, over den zoogenaamd noodlottigen invloed van het saamhoorigheidsgevoel op het oordeel van de, in zulk een gevoel vereenigde, menschen. De meeste der opvattingen, die thans over de mogelijkheden en de onontbeerlijkheid der politieke propaganda worden verkondigd, passen in hetzelfde kader (...)
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    Essays on Aristotle's De Anima. [REVIEW]Kurt Pritzl - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (4):836-837.
    This collection consists of a two-part Introduction by the editors Martha Nussbaum and Amelie O. Rorty ; nineteen articles, mostly published here for the first time, by M. F. Burnyeat, Nussbaum and Hilary Putnam, S. Marc Cohen, Jennifer Whiting, Michael Frede, K. V. Wilkes, Alan Code and Julius Moravcsik, G. E. R. Lloyd, Charlotte Witt, Gareth B. Matthews, Richard Sorabji, Cynthia Freeland, Malcolm Schofield, Dorothea Frede, Julia Annas, Franz Brentano, L. A. Kosman, Charles Kahn, and Henry S. Richardson ; (...)
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  15. Körperbilder: Kulturalität und Wertetransfer.Michael Fischer & Kurt Seelmann (eds.) - 2011 - Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
    Körperbilder sind stets an den Begriff der Kulturalität gebunden. Er bezeichnet sowohl das menschliche Angewiesensein auf die kulturelle Sphäre als auch die Bedingtheit durch sie. Die Formen und Muster des subjektiven Erfahrens, Erlebens und Wahrnehmens unterliegen der Dynamik von geschichtlichem Wandel und lokaler Differenzierung. Die daraus resultierende Pluralität bestand immer schon, jedoch erst die Globalisierung verbindet das zuvor räumlich Getrennte in der einen, globalisierten Welt, in der neben den «äußeren Welten» immer mehr auch die «inneren Welten» aufeinandertreffen mit ihren je (...)
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    Nikolay Milkov and Volker Peckhaus, eds. The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism. [REVIEW]Alan Richardson - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (1):174-77.
    This is an important volume for rounding out our understanding of the origins and dimensions of the logical empiricist project. While the existence of a Berlin wing of logical empiricism—personified principally in Hans Reichenbach and Carl G. Hempel—has been well known, in the recent reappraisal literature the spotlight has been firmly on the Vienna Circle. [...] The essays give an expansive sense of the German-Berlin context of the work of not only Reichenbach and Hempel but also their philosophical colleagues (...) Grelling, Walter Dubislav, and Paul Oppenheim, their philosophical mentors and influences including Leonard Nelson and the Friesian School and Ernst Cassirer, their scientific and mathematical influences including Albert Einstein, David Hilbert, and Bertrand Russell, as well as their scientific colleagues such as Kurt Lewin and Wolfgang Köhler. (shrink)
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    Kurt Wuchterl, Kontingenz oder das Andere der Vernunft. Zum Verhältnis von Philosophie, Naturwissenschaft und Religion.Petra Kolmer - 2012 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 119 (2):488-492.
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    Rudolf Carnap und Kurt Gödel: Die beiderseitige Bezugnahme in ihren philosophischen Selbstzeugnissen.Eva-Maria Engelen - 2021 - In Christian Damböck & Gereon Wolters (eds.), Der Junge Carnap in Historischem Kontext: 1918–1935 / Young Carnap in an Historical Context: 1918–1935. Springer Verlag. pp. 223-242.
    Gegenstandes des Aufsatzes ist die gegenseitige Beeinflussung und Bezugnahme von Rudolf Carnap und Kurt Gödel in ihren jeweiligen Selbstzeugnissen während der 20er- bis 40er-Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts. Der Vergleicht bestätigt die bisherige Forschung, der zufolge Carnap auf Gödels Arbeiten der Jahre 1930 und 1931 einigen Einfluss hatte. Er zeigt darüber hinaus, dass die beiden sich größtenteils als mathematische Logiker wahrgenommen und rezipiert haben. Nach allem, was wir bisher wissen, bleibt das so hinsichtlich Carnaps Wertschätzung für Gödels Denken. Gödel wendet (...)
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    Die Weltfremdheit des Menschen: Schriften zur philosophischen Anthropologie.Günther Anders - 2018 - München: C.H. Beck. Edited by Christian Dries & Henrike Gätjens.
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    The Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis.Kurt Gödel - 1940 - Princeton University Press.
    Previously published: Princeton University Press, 1940.
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  21.  8
    The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics.Kurt Dopfer (ed.) - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    It is widely recognised that mainstream economics has failed to translate micro consistently into macro economics and to provide endogenous explanations for the continual changes in the economic system. Since the early 1980s, a growing number of economists have been trying to provide answers to these two key questions by applying an evolutionary approach. This new departure has yielded a rich literature with enormous variety, but the unifying principles connecting the various ideas and views presented are, as yet, not apparent. (...)
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  22.  2
    Law and justice.Anders Vilhelm Lundstedt - 1952 - Stockholm,: Almquist & Wiksell.
  23. Functional stability and systems level causation.Anders Strand & Gry Oftedal - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):809-820.
    A wide range of gene knockout experiments shows that functional stability is an important feature of biological systems. On this backdrop, we present an argument for higher‐level causation based on counterfactual dependence. Furthermore, we sketch a metaphysical picture providing resources to explain the metaphysical nature of functional stability, higher‐level causation, and the relevant notion of levels. Our account aims to clarify the role empirical results and philosophical assumptions should play in debates about reductionism and higher‐level causation. It thereby contributes to (...)
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  24. Prescripts: authoring with templates.Anders Fagerjord - 2005 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 10 (1).
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    Die Axiome der Arithmetik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Beziehungen zur Mengenlehre.Kurt Grelling - 1910 - Dissertation, Georg-Augusts-Universität Göttingen
  26. Beginning in Wonder: Suspensive Attitudes and Epistemic Dilemmas.Kurt Sylvan & Errol Lord - 2021 - In Nick Hughes (ed.), Epistemic Dilemmas. Oxford University Press.
    We argue that we can avoid epistemic dilemmas by properly understanding the nature and epistemology of the suspension of judgment, with a particular focus on conflicts between higher-order evidence and first-order evidence.
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    Nondeterminacy, cycles and rational choice.Anders Herlitz - 2020 - Analysis 80 (3):443-449.
    A notorious problem that has recently received increased attention in axiology, normative theory and population ethics is the apparent ubiquity of what can be generally called nondeterminacy. This paper illustrates how nondeterminacy can spawn cyclical rankings. So, accepting that practical reasons can admit of nondeterminacy challenges the widely held idea that ‘better than’ is transitive. As a result, standard approaches to rational choice under nondeterminacy fail to be action-guiding, since in some situations all options are dominated, that is, impermissible according (...)
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  28. Der Stufen-Bau Und Die Gesetze der Weltgeschichte.Kurt Breysig - 1905 - J.G. Cotta.
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  29. On Suspending Properly.Kurt Sylvan & Errol Lord - 2022 - In Paul Silva & Luis R. G. Oliveira (eds.), Propositional and Doxastic Justification: New Essays on their Nature and Significance. New York: Routledge.
    We argue for a novel view of suspending judgment properly--i.e., suspending judgment in an ex post justified way. In so doing we argue for a Kantian virtue-theoretic view of epistemic normativity and against teleological virtue-theoretic accounts.
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    Spectrum Arguments, Parity and Persistency.Anders Herlitz - 2020 - Theoria 86 (4):463-481.
    This article shows that introducing the positive comparative relation parity only helps one block so‐called “Spectrum Arguments” in order to avoid their unsavoury implications if one specifies parity in a specific way with respect to its persistence. The article illustrates how parity must both admit of persistency and be weakly non‐persistent for parity to block Spectrum Arguments, and identifies some consequences of that discovery for the general debate on Spectrum Arguments, value theory and comparability problems.
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    Der absolute wert in der kunst.Kurt Gassen - 1921 - Greifswald,: L. Bamberg.
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  32. Causes of the Financial Crisis.Viral V. Acharya & Matthew Richardson - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2-3):195-210.
    ABSTRACT Why did the popping of the housing bubble bring the financial system—rather than just the housing sector of the economy—to its knees? The answer lies in two methods by which banks had evaded regulatory capital requirements. First, they had temporarily placed assets—such as securitized mortgages—in off‐balance‐sheet entities, so that they did not have to hold significant capital buffers against them. Second, the capital regulations also allowed banks to reduce the amount of capital they held against assets that remained on (...)
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    A Social Cognitive Perspective on the Relationships Between Ethics Education, Moral Attentiveness, and PRESOR.Kurt Wurthmann - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):131-153.
    This research examines the relationships between education in business ethics, Reynolds’s (J Appl Psychol 93:1027–1041, 2008) “moral attentiveness” construct, or the extent to which individuals chronically perceive and reflect on morality and moral elements in their experiences, and Singhapakdi et al.’s (J Bus Ethics 15:1131–1140, 1996) measure of perceptions of the role of ethics and social responsibility (PRESOR). Education in business ethics was found to be positively associated with the two identified factors of moral attentiveness, “reflective” and “perceptual” moral attentiveness, (...)
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  34.  19
    Incommensurability and healthcare priority setting.Anders Herlitz - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (12):3347-3365.
    This paper argues that accepting incommensurability can be a useful step for developing attractive hybrid theories to how to distribute scarce health-related resources. If one provides opportunity for distributive options to be incommensurable with respect to substantive criteria, one can hold on to substantive criteria while also providing room for decision processes to play a significant role. The paper also argues that the strategy of accepting incommensurability is preferable to the strategy of having substantive criteria establish sets of options that (...)
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  35.  26
    ‘Green’ bioethics widens the scope of eligible values and overrides patient demand: comment on Parker.Anders Herlitz, Erik Malmqvist & Christian Munthe - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (2):100-101.
    Parker’s article is a welcome attempt to address the importance of environmental sustainability in the realm of clinical ethics.1 We support the recent movement to seriously consider the environmental impact of healthcare institutions in bioethics.2 3 Still, we find two partly linked weaknesses of Parker’s analysis and guideline suggestion. These relate to a need in ‘green’ bioethics to see beyond the normal healthcare ethical focus on health-related values related to individual patients, and to primarily adopt institutional ways of framing central (...)
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  36. Philosophical analysis; types and aims.Anders Wedberg - 1960 - Theoria 26 (3):228.
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  37. Descriptions, truth value intuitions, and questions.Anders J. Schoubye - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (6):583-617.
    Since the famous debate between Russell (Mind 14: 479–493, 1905, Mind 66: 385–389, 1957) and Strawson (Mind 59: 320–344, 1950; Introduction to logical theory, 1952; Theoria, 30: 96–118, 1964) linguistic intuitions about truth values have been considered notoriously unreliable as a guide to the semantics of definite descriptions. As a result, most existing semantic analyses of definites leave a large number of intuitions unexplained. In this paper, I explore the nature of the relationship between truth value intuitions and non-referring definites. (...)
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  38. Justice and the aims of political philosophy.Kurt Baier - 1989 - Ethics 99 (4):771-790.
  39.  13
    Committing to Priorities: Incompleteness in Macro-Level Health Care Allocation and Its Implications.Anders Herlitz - 2018 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 43 (6):724-745.
    This article argues that values that apply to health care allocation entail the possibility of “spectrum arguments,” and that it is plausible that they often fail to determine a best alternative. In order to deal with this problem, a two-step process is suggested. First, we should identify the Strongly Uncovered Set that excludes all alternatives that are worse than some alternatives and not better in any relevant dimension from the set of eligible alternatives. Because the remaining set of alternatives often (...)
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  40.  47
    Against lifetime QALY prioritarianism.Anders Herlitz - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (2):109-113.
    Lifetime quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) prioritarianism has recently been defended as a reasonable specification of the prioritarian view that benefits to the worse off should be given priority in health-related priority setting. This paper argues against this view with reference to how it relies on implausible assumptions. By referring to lifetime QALY as the basis for judgments about who is worse off lifetime QALY prioritarianism relies on assumptions of strict additivity, atomism and intertemporal separability of sublifetime attributes. These assumptions entail that (...)
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    Non-transitive Better than Relations and Rational Choice.Anders Herlitz - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (1):179-189.
    This paper argues that decision problems and money-pump arguments should not be a deciding factor against accepting non-transitive better than relations. If the reasons to accept normative standpoints that entail a non-transitive better than relation are compelling enough, we ought to revise our decision method rather than the normative standpoints. The paper introduces the most common argument in favor of non-transitive better than relations. It then illustrates that there are different ways to reconceptualize rational choice so that rational choice is (...)
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  42.  19
    Between technical features and analytic capabilities: Charting a relational affordance space for digital social analytics.Anders Koed Madsen - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (1).
    Digital social analytics is a subset of Big Data methods that is used to understand the social environment in which people and organizations have to act. This paper presents an analysis of eight projects that are experimenting with the use of these methods for various purposes. It shows that two specific technological features influence the work with such methods in all the cases. The first concerns the need to distribute choices about the structure of data to third-party actors and the (...)
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    Legal thinking revised.Anders V. Lundstedt - 1956 - Stockholm,: Almqvist & Wiksell.
  44.  45
    Social neuroendocrinology.Sari M. van Anders & Neil V. Watson - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (2):212-237.
    In this paper we provide a critical review of research concerned with social/environmental mechanisms that modulate human neuroendocrine function. We survey research in four behavioral systems that have been shaped through evolution: competition, partnering, sex, and pregnancy/parenting. Generally, behavioral neuroendocrine research examines how hormones affect behavior. Instead, we focus on approaches that emphasize the effects of behavioral states on hormones (i.e., the “reverse relationship”), and their functional significance. We focus on androgens and estrogens because of their relevance to sexually selected (...)
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  45.  24
    Microlevel Prioritizations and Incommensurability.Anders Herlitz - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (1):75-86.
    This article addresses the prioritization questions that arise when people attempt to institutionalize reasonable ethical principles and create guidelines for microlevel decisions. I propose that this instantiates an incommensurability problem, and suggest two different kinds of practical solutions for dealing with this issue.
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    Correction to: Non-transitive Better than Relations and Rational Choice.Anders Herlitz - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (1):431-431.
    There is a mistake in the definition of the covering criterion on page 6.
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  47. Group Agency, Responsibility, and Control.Anders Strand - 2013 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43 (2):201-224.
    Understanding how individual agency and group agency relate is of great importance for a range of philosophical and practical concerns, including responsibility ascription and institutional design. This article discusses the relation between corporate and individual responsibility in agency—in particular, the relation between corporate and individual control of actions. First, I criticize Christian List and Philip Pettit’s causal account of combined corporate and individual control. Second, I develop an alternative account in terms of structural control, and I show how this gives (...)
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  48. Altersdiskriminierung bei der Allokation medizinischer Leistungen. Kritischer Bericht zu einer Diskussion.Kurt Fleischhauer - 1999 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 4:195-252.
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    A history of the pedagogy of voluntary attention: Exploring the epistemological potential of the pathological.Anders Kruse Ljungdalh - 2016 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 36 (3):158-174.
  50.  20
    Questions of Practice in Philosophy and Social Theory.Anders Buch & Theodore R. Schatzki (eds.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Humanistic theory for more than the past 100 years is marked by extensive attention to practice and practices. Two prominent streams of thought sharing this focus are pragmatism and theories of practice. This volume brings together internationally prominent theorists to explore key dimensions of practice and practices on the background of parallels and points of contact between these two traditions. The contributors all are steeped in one or both of these streams and well-known for their work on practice. The collected (...)
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